...making a road by walking...

The NSW Student Environment Activist Network (SEAN)
Economic and Social Liberation (contents)
Resources and Organising skills
Creative Politics
Growing Vegetables
Global Warming
The NSW Student Environment Activist Network (SEAN)
Refugees in Australia
Militarism and Social Justice
Poetry & Music
Books to Read
One rainy day, we shut down the World Economic Forum.

SEAN is an awesome network of environmental and social justice student activists in NSW.

We come from Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong, Canberra, Lismore, Western Sydney, and sometimes Armidale, Bathurst and Blue Mountains, and we are all part of the Australian Student Environment Network (ASEN)

We meet regularly, including at the annual National Environmental Conference, Students of Sustainability, NSW is hosting the conference in 2005, which will be the first time in five years, thus the first time in our activist generation.) SoS usually attracts up to 1000 participants, and is a very inspiring week during early July.


Protect Aboriginal Sacred Sites:

Save Lake Cowal!

Save Kuradji/ Sandon Point!

Save Tassie's Tarkine Wilderness!

Stop the US-Australia Free trade Agreement!

Campaigns we are supporting, but not organising:

Save the Ridge

Kupa Piti Kungka Tjuta Say No Radioactive Dump!

Save the ADI Site

Save Ningaloo Reef

Stop Woolworths in Maleny!

SEAN skillshare weekend- Blackheath 2002

Useful Contacts

National Students Associations (NUS Affiliates)

Critical Mass Sydney Website

"Mister!" he said with a sawdusty sneeze, "I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees." (Dr. Seuss)


Useful Links, especially as we vision for whatASEN (Aust Student Enviro Network) can become:

Community Organising Skills- Environmental Advocacy, Brisbane

Centre for Popular Education, UTS

Bridging the gap between Academia and Activism

Michael Albert writes on Dealing with Differences: a mutual aid model.

My former lecturer Lyn Carson's website on deliberative democracy

Brian Martin's Publications on direct democracy

George Monbiot's guide to the media- Jack Smit -refugee advocate- has adapted it for the Australian context.

Students Transforming And Resisting Corporations (US)

Download the SEAC (US) organising Guide

Consensus, participatory group process

The Ruckus Society

Activists Handbook

Training for Change

Look at the ASEED Europe newsletter: and their photos:


Some of us at Sandon Point

Some SEANsters at Usyd in 2003 (Moz)

Homebush, WTO mini ministerial 2002 Moz

not SEAN- the amazing Out of Order ppl, 2002

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.